While the art of composting processes natural aid, to make rotten organic material, there may be some confusion about the production of home-made compost. It makes sense, in mind the rule of three in reserve in the planning or construction of the container.
The rule of three calls to three subjects, three feet three, and three ways to keep open three elements of life. Three subjects for a period of collecting material on compost, and do a mix, and keep an up to the finished compostto circulate. While some people like an additional bin to collect more material in order, three good and workable solution. Those who look to be three hot compost.
Each bin should be three meters on each side. That is, there is a stack of three meters high, three feet wide and three meters deep.
Some build up the sides of the bowl just two or two and a half meters high determination that the cluster can be six inches above the top of the container extend. This makes it easy to throwmaterial from one container to another. It is necessary that the air flow in the center stack is particularly in a hot compost pile, and one with more than three feet wide are not allowed.
Throw a pile of a bin to another allows a greater mix of materials and to get more air into the pile. Mounding is a lot of work over a meter high and very counterproductive, as it compresses the material in the soil and air moves.
The air must move fromfront, side and top. A three-bin system makes this possible, if the sides, front and rear are designed so that air can make it through. Wire mesh or chana good for this, although some people use sticks or stones on board with more space between them. When using concrete blocks or other type of brick, concrete is a good idea not together, if you later want to move the containers.
Create a cover option is an idea. Some feel that the cover prevents compost to the laundrybecause of the nutrients from rain, while others stimulate a natural, the compost is moist enough to look for work. During the composting material is food for the stack, requires more water and air. The three elements of life are, of course, food, air and water.
Mixing green and brown, about the same pile of organic material together to provide food for the stack. The air is everywhere, but the container needs to circulate water and so it must be if the rain will be made availableto come. Run the battery from a dustbin for the other mixes the food organisms are a good thing well nourished, the air reaches the center of the pile faster and work in hot and humid to control both.
The three-set allows you to easily schedule a home-made compost, which together form a system for generating a lot of compost for the garden.